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Expert Custom Boat Company in La Grange, CA

BoatWrx is a custom boat company in La Grange, CA, designing, constructing, and creating breathtaking watercraft. Founded in 2019 by entrepreneurs Michael Armer and Torre Reich, we’re at the leading edge of boat customization and innovation. Our team is passionate about water-based activities and devising crafts for forming unforgettable memories. We comprise skilled, strategic business and construction professionals with years of experience. If you want a brand-new boat to amaze you, we’re the right team for the job.

Michael Armer

Michael Armer is an executive, investor, and entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience. He's built and led global businesses spanning various industries, such as semiconductors, communications, mining, manufacturing, and energy. He earned a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Master's in Business Administration from the University of Southern California. He is a member of many advising boards and is a popular public speaker and thought leader. Michael has a deep passion for water recreation and applies it to his role at BoatWrx.

Torre Reich

Torre Reich has over 30 years of experience designing and creating custom homes across California. He is the founder, owner, and operator of Torre Reich Construction, located in Turlock, CA. He has investments in track home developments across the Central Valley. Torre helps BoatWrx stand apart with his immense knowledge of construction, skilled team, and strict attention to quality control.

Richard Souza

Richard Souza has over four decades of experience in business leadership and specialized trade skills. Before joining site, he owned and operated a successful auto body shop in Monterey County. He sold it in 2016 to become a member of our team. Richard is an invaluable asset to the BoatWrx because of his exceptional business savvy, customer-first approach, and operations-centered mindset.

Todd Catt

Todd Catt has over 20 years of experience providing houseboat carpentry and general construction in the tri-lake area. He managed the Lake McClure boatyard before joining BoatWrx. At the boatyard, Todd was known for building strong relationships and trust with customers, and he continues doing so with our clients.

Achieve Your Dream Custom Boat